Management quality and integrity are very important
One example is AOB management (they are acting at shareholder's best interest). Here are the 2 situation that they faced and the decision that they took.
1. That management will not get stock option as long as the stock price is below $2 (and the stock was below $2 for more than 1 year and no one did get any stock options for more than one year)
2. Existing stock options are at $2 strike price (way higher than the price that day) and the new option exercise price will not be lower than $2 strike price even when the stock is at .80(and they stick with it, while a lot of other companies are busy repricing and backdating option)
AOB management could have change the rule (which is listed in their 10K) and still get the option anyway or get option strike price at $1 but they didn't, instead they just focus on business operation and execution. Eventually the stock takes care of itself. Talking about integrity. that's a great demonstration of integrity IMO.
AOB management remember their fiduciary duty to shareholder and act at the shareholder best interest. (and not to just make themselves rich or any other reason). The only questionable move is the issuance of private placement when the stock price is very low, but they used the cash raised through the PP smartly hence it is fine (it turned out to be fine).
Demonstration of integrity doesn't have to be only on big decision, but it can started fromthe day to day smaller decision (like the stock option case above). People that have high intergrity will be more trustworthy, which seems to be rare in the wall street as the last couple years there have been so many bad choice that management made (and scandal) that took down the company with them. Also the financial restatement, and stock option issue.
This is one example of why management quality and integrity are very important for a company success.
Sidarta Tanu
Disclosure: I own this stock in my portfolio
I am not recommending anyone to buy or not to buy this stock. Microcap stocks are usually very risky, volatile and thinly traded and not suited for many investors (and definitely not suitable for short term trade.)